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Great work - it's fun!

Thank you so much! I'm well aware of how simple and unrefined the game is. Yet that you and others are really enjoying means a lot to me.

I found a bug. If you die twice on the first spike it will let you win. On the fist death a lap goes up one, then on the second death it will make you win. I think this is because, the game when you go for the next lap all it wants is that first checkpoint but if you die then go to that checkpoint then it counts as a lap.

ok so further more if you just go through the first checkpoint back and forth you can get a time around .7 seconds. I think this is because of the same reason as the previous

Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm rather shocked that this is happening - I thought I had accounted for such a possibility in the way I set up checkpoints. But I'll test this out and see if I can fix it.
GOOD JOB in finding the bug, too!